System of vocational education and training in Austria. Dual system
June, 23d, 10.00 - 12:00 / CET /
About the webinar
Vocational training in Austria is based on a dual training system. Senior expert in VET education at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education will share how Austria has achieved high results in implementing the dual system and preparing students in vocational education. The director of the professional institution Apollogasse (Vienna) will also talk about the practical peculiarities of the training process
Reinhard Nöbauer
А senior expert in vocational education and training (VET) in the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research

He has a long-time experience in international cooperation in VET and has been working on VET projects on four continents. He represents Austria as a senior official in the ASEM education process (Asia-Europe Meeting) and has been a governing board member at the ETF (European Training Foundation) in Turin and at CEDEFOP in Greece for many years

Before taking up the present position he worked as a research assistant at the university of business administration, at the European Commission ( GD for Education and Culture) as well as at CEDEFOP.

Andreas Kranzelmayer
Director of Berufsschule Apollogasse
JUNE, 23
  • Vocational education (VET) in Austria - a success story

  • "Dual system": internships, contracts, inter-production training

  • Presentation of the Berufsschule Apollogasse

  • Q & A session

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