Lesson 1: The child is born. What is his brain and what can he do? Hereditary and congenital features of the development of the central nervous system
Lesson 2: The unfolding of the child's mental development programme in the first year of life. Why is this period so important?
Lesson 3: Early mental development of the child (from 1 to 3 years of age). Uneven growth of the individual brain structures. Stages of mental development and crisis periods.
Lesson 4: Development of the psyche during the preschool period. The role of neuropsychological methods in the learning and development of the preschool child
Lesson 5: Brain maturity and a child's readiness to enter school. Features of development of the central nervous system during the school period. Adolescent problems and their causes.
Lesson 6. How does the adult brain work? Why is it difficult to solve the problems of the child stages in adulthood?